Tuesday, May 31, 2011

birthday wishes for friends

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  • technicolor
    Nov 24, 10:40 AM
    I'm about to hit the store. I asked last year about doubling up my education discount and the Black Friday one. I was told that I couldn't. :(

    The EPP still seems valid today though according to the web store. My brother has an EPP through this company vs. the government. It'll hopefully still hold true.

    I'll be going up to the Apple Store within the hour. I'll post from there. :D
    Thanks , let us know man!

    I wont be going until way later so I wont have a way to confirm until tonite.

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  • Lyra
    Aug 2, 05:31 AM
    Insecurity...? The only thing I'm insecure about at the moment is whether you are for real or just trolling... :confused:

    Who says we're best at anything. It's not a contest... :rolleyes:

    Up here in the Nordic countries we're a small, fairly uniform, very rich, well-educated (to a degree - pun intended), technological advanced population. The marked might be small, but it's still a nice little marked.

    Do you honestly see Apple pull out of a similar marked, let say New Your city, just because an unresolved quarrel with the local government...?

    You New York is New York, part of the USA.

    Saying that you are small, rich and well educated... And then you even say, you are technologically advanced?

    Have you been to Singapore, Kuwait, Japan? I can name a few more places, but let's keep the list short.

    You are not very technologically advanced you know... Well, again, compared to Africa you are...

    Look, it seems, you are not seeing the overall picture, only what you see in front of you... And in this case it is Apple... But that is not all there is...

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  • MacNut
    Apr 22, 01:25 PM
    And you are why this system won't work.;)My point exactly, this is the reason we never wanted this system.

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  • Gibsonsoup
    Apr 12, 06:05 AM
    You've got double http://

    Thank you, Fixed :D

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  • elctropro
    Jan 1, 01:26 AM
    My understanding is that AT&T is pretty far along in its upgrade from HPSA (3G) network to HPSA+ (faster 3G). They're doing this to maximize their existing investment in their infrastructure, and they should be able to employ LTE a little faster than Verizon has been, since LTE is a more streamlined upgrade from HPSA+. They claim that this is best for customers long-term, because when LTE (4G) coverage gives out, users can fall back on widespread HPSA+ coverage with similar performance. Whereas with Verizon, when you move out of an area with 4G coverage, you notice a HUGE drop in speed going to their ancient EV-DO technology.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    May 2, 05:08 PM
    You obviously missed the irony of it all (and yes, OSX is around 10 years old now). Windows was never called "1, 2, 3" etc. so there's more irony for OSX which did takes 10 years to get where it is now (i.e that's how long they've been working on OSX; OS9 has NOTHING to do with the length of time they've spent on the current OS, which has little or nothing to do with OS9 technologically other than the similarity in GUI interface (save the overlap in Carbon libraries). OSX is based on NeXTStep, itself based on Unix. It's not based on Mac Classic OS 1-9. But then my ;) should have clued you in. But then Windows haters rarely get such humor, IMO.

    You're implying that I said something that you are "correcting" me on. Length of time of OS X development? Show me where I mentioned this before proceeding to "correct me". :rolleyes:

    The thing I mentioned was the progression of names: OS 9 then OS X. I know the two are vastly different. I know OS X is based on unix. But to say the numbering doesn't show a progression is silly. OS X instead of OS 10 indicates a significant change while preserving the numbering.

    I was only discussing the name Windows 7. Everyone with an answer believes they know. I don't know so I will not critique the individual answers. But I find it fascinating that between obvious Windows users there is no consensus. I've seen more than one explanation for the "7".

    And finally I am not a Windows "hater". I am a hater of people who care to waste my time telling me why using a Mac is "wrong". I will say that since being away from Windows for the most part for some time now, that I am lost on that OS. It used to be that I could go back and forth with ease. But the subtle changes to Windows have made it less intuitive IMO. And being a non-Windows user I think I am a good judge of whether it is intuitive or not when I try it. Microsoft has been making changes to Office for Mac over the years that I find strange. Labeling axis on a graph in excel for instance is less intuitive than it used to be. But recently I had to use excel on a Windows machine and I have to say it was very strange how it has been organized. The changes to Office for Mac OS are nothing compared to the changes I have seen to Office for Windows OS.

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  • slffl
    Oct 3, 12:23 PM
    I guess the 'Year of the laptop' was for that year only.

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  • tinman0
    Apr 16, 02:35 AM
    Is the difference that Apple is more willing to talk to and play ball with the content providers? Is it that Google has "changing its demands"? Is it about technical concerns? Are the content provides trying to guess who the winning horse will be?

    Haha, got to laugh when Google get a set back. As an executive a few months ago said about Google, "it's like negotiating with someone who is autistic".

    At the end of the day, Google have tramped over the copyright of all the companies it's trying to get a deal from (think YouTube), chances are that it's also trying to negotiate better terms than Apple with little things like giving everyone else worse terms than them (think the books deal), and so forth.

    And frankly, what do Google have to offer the record companies that Apple and Amazon don't?

    So think about the autistic comment, think about the terms they will be looking for, and you have to conclude that there is no reason that to think the record companies want or need Google as a partner.

    Google aren't bringing new subscribers so the chances are, Google are trying to bring prices down, which will ultimately cost the record companies money.

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  • ifjake
    Oct 17, 09:33 AM
    That comment about not including the burner is interesting, and I'm at least trying to give it some more thoughtful consideration. Who really needs to burn 30 - 50 GB of data? For backup solutions, wouldn't just getting a huge external hard drive be more practical? Portability might be a factor there, but external drives aren't that cumbersome I don't think. I'm thinking that the majority use of those HD media burners would be to copy movies with illicit applications. Could Apple put in place some protection framework that attempted to only allow creative-works-originating software to burn HD discs, (ie, iMovie, iDVD, FinalCut and other pro apps that use full quality, large size files) therefore denying use of a program that takes a quick and dirty imported disc image and burn it to disc, so that you'd have to work around some long and annoying solution to make an illegal copy (ala burning audio CDs in iTunes and reimporting them to strip the DRM) that would deter any easy mass pirating?

    More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.

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  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Sep 12, 08:18 AM
    and under the films, stands "more music video's" hmmm thats strange:rolleyes:Not that strange... all the European sites seem to have this:


    All with "More music videos underneath", but movie trailers are just above...

    birthday wishes for friends. irthday wishes for friends.
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  • ozziegn
    Jan 15, 01:46 PM
    I'm sitting here laughing at the tons of people who were saying how they were going to buy the new MBP when it came out on MWSF on Jan. 15th. - kept telling all these people "how are you going to buy a new MBP when you don't even know if there is going to be a new MBP????"

    -and here I sit and say, "I told you so.........." :D

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  • diamornte
    Apr 25, 01:35 PM
    The 4s will be a 4 with the 3.7 screen, and a A5 chip. That is it. Period.

    How can you be so certain of this as to say "That is it. Period."? Sources plz?

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  • lordonuthin
    May 3, 09:35 PM
    well it's not looking very good. it should have posted a bigadv unit by now. and my number of gpu units are looking lower - which means that something crashed. man it only had 12 hours left on the bigadv unit when i left, and now nothing. it was folding way at around 34:30 per frame inside a VM.

    Bummer :( that's aggravating...

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  • ngenerator
    May 3, 01:48 PM
    And why is this on mac rumors.

    Does it really matter what the competition does.

    Maybe to let us know they're not just cracking down on iPhone owners?

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  • applekid
    Mar 26, 02:29 PM
    So I have not seen my 360 on my network since Friday :(

    That leads me to believe they either noticed the wireless adapter was connecting to a network and unplugged it or they got rid of the system. The investigator came back out today and said they need more evidence before they can get a warrant and he doesn't want to knock on the doors of the two houses I think it could be in case they do still have it and decide to ditch it when the cops are on to them.

    So basically, I don't have much hope any more of getting my system back. I am thinking of calling the cops and having them just knock on the door and see what happens. Maybe the people are stupid and have the system sitting in plain view and the cops will notice it when they try to question the neighbors.

    I'm going to check out my local EBGames again and see if they have anyone that traded in any of my games or even the system.

    That's rough.

    Have you considered trying to contact Microsoft and hope they could try to track your X-Box with your serial number? It might not work out because I remember a thread here about a stolen Wii and how Nintendo doesn't track their consoles and could end up being a legal hassle, but perhaps Microsoft has a different policy.

    Despite the police not being very tech literate, I'm a little surprised that the police couldn't send just an investigator to look like they were asking neighbors about your stolen property.

    Honestly, your best bet once you had Connect 360 talking with your X-Box was probably to create a scheme to confront your neighbors, but nobody likes a confrontation right...

    birthday wishes for friends. irthday wishes for friends.
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  • mrzeigler
    Mar 28, 03:11 PM
    So much for thinking outside of the box. Apparently it's gotten so bad that they give boxes to the winners.

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  • Eric5h5
    Mar 25, 03:56 AM
    And when we will get to OS XI?

    Never. OS X is a brand, it's not really an OS version number. If/when Apple eventually ditches OS X or changes it significantly enough, it will have a new name and identity. (Or maybe it will become iOS X. ;) )


    birthday wishes for friends. Birthday Wishes For Friends
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  • darh
    Sep 12, 08:05 AM
    I thought tht too, but there's already a section on the page for trailer. Just about the iTunes Videos

    and under the films, stands "more music video's" hmmm thats strange:rolleyes:

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  • whooleytoo
    Jan 8, 10:54 AM
    BTW, I had to laugh when they demoed FMV used as a wallpaper in Vista, and the crowd ooohed and awwed and clapped. :)

    I'd be more impressed if Leopard used Core Video, and did translucent effects on your desktop (say, a picture of water, with an occasional ripple flowing across it. Or a picture of leave on a tree, which sway from side to side in the wind). Much less distracting than a video.

    Apr 7, 11:13 PM
    Another one, lulz :p


    Also had some Chipotle, got gasoline, and picked up some screen protectors and random accessories.

    Apr 13, 12:05 PM
    Go ahead and opt out of your full-body scans... if you're doing it for the "health" reason you're tilting at a very small windmill.

    The "Health" angle is murky, but TSA uses opt-out ratios as proof of acceptance. They've put out multiple press releases pushing >2% opt out rates as proof that people feel safer and don't mind the new security measures. So, I'm going to opt out every time, if for no other reason than to drive up the cost for them.

    Nov 16, 10:17 PM
    Indeed, this should be taken with the dash of salt it deserves... i.e. a tablespoon full

    hmm, maybe a truckload?

    Apr 25, 06:46 PM
    No, I expect them to check on the woman when she's lying on the floor. I expect them to not tell the two woman who beat her up to go away before the cops get there.

    I agree they are idiots and I already stated they should call the cops.

    OP, I clicked on the article and the title is different from this thread. I do agree that the employees on duty at McDonald's be held responsible in the beating of a trans woman.

    May 4, 04:35 AM
    Congratulations, you understood the main purpose of the iPad. Add Plants vs Zombies, Shredder Chess HD and a Comic Book reader and you've essentially discovered everything that can be done with the gadget. For everything else, it's too big to be a truly mobile device like a smartphone and too weak and restricted to replace a real computer.

    But yes, at least the ads are great and really work the "magic". The only problem is that you won't stay in Wonderland with your iPad, and in the real world, it's just a nice toy for a couple of minutes but not really good for anything.

    Really? This is your opinion? So you think you're smarter than everyone else that's successfully using this device?


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