Tuesday, May 31, 2011

tattoo mariposas

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  • AppleMacDudeG4
    May 4, 06:33 PM
    They forgot to include if you ask us whether you can buy one in an Apple store, we would say "order online".

    Otherwise nice commercial.

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  • rovex
    Mar 19, 05:21 PM
    I don't know of many people who buy a �500 iPhone outright. Most (Especially in the UK) will be on a 18-24 month contract.

    But what's the difference when you will end up paying much more than the full price in the future?

    For pay as you go people like me buying the phone outright is the much cheaper option in the long run.

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  • snberk103
    Apr 13, 12:03 PM
    I would prefer the cheaper and more effective way; profiling.

    Also, you can't say security has been working well-- look at the number of incidences of things going through security accidentally via negligence (knives, guns, etc)-- while there's no official numbers, the anecdotal evidence is quite moving.

    Actually, there is documented evidence (which I'm not going to look up, because it supports your contention). The TSA does publish numbers (though buried deep in their reports) on the number of times undercover agents are able to slip weapons through security on training/testing runs. The number is quite high, if you look at it in a "Sky is falling way". But that is the incomplete picture.

    Suppose, just for argument's sake, you actually have a 50/50 chance of slipping something through security. Is that "good enough" to mount an operation? Consider that there are at least a dozen people involved, to support just one operative. You can try to separate them into cells - but that doesn't mean that they are entirely hidden... it just gives them time to try to escape while their links are followed. Plus, there is a lot of money involved.

    Do you risk those 12 people, plus a large chunk of scarce resources, on a venture that only has a 50/50 chance of getting something onto the plane. (we haven't even considered that most bombs on planes lately have not gone off properly, eg. shoe bomber and underwear bomber)... or that if the intent is to forcibly take over the plane there might be sky marshall - or just a plane load of passengers who are not going to sit idly by.

    So you try and reduce that risk by making the plan more "fool proof" and sophisticated - but this adds complexity ...and complex things/plans breakdown and require more resources and more people. More people means adding people with doubts, and the chances of leaking. Plus more resources, which brings attention to the operation. And as you add more people and resources, the "downside" to being caught gets bigger, so you try to reduce that risk by making it even more "foolproof".

    If you are one of the 12+ people supporting the operative, and you have a 50/50 chance of being caught and spending a very long and nasty session in jail - even before you get your day in court - and you have no chance of the "ultimate reward" .... don't you think you might start having doubts, and talking to people? Sometimes the wrong people?

    I don't buy for a minute all of the stories of traffic cops stopping a car for a routine check and finding "bad things" that were going to be used. The intelligence services have, imho, a pretty good idea of what is happening in these groups, and use these innocent looking traffic stops (and other coincidental discoveries) so that their undercover agents aren't suspected.

    That is the value, imo, of the security checks. The barriers are are high enough to get the "bad" operations big and cumbersome, and to make the plans too complex to escape notice by the authorities. It's the planning and organization of getting past the security checks that the authorities are looking for. Once that "bad thing" is in the airport, the authorities have already lost most of the game. Then the security screening is just a last ditch attempt to catch something.

    The real danger is the single lone-wolf person with a grudge, who hasn't planned in advance, and doesn't really care if they get caught. They have a 50/50 chance of getting through because the only security layer at that point is the security checkpoint. The intelligence services will not have picked them up, nor will the no-fly list incidentally.

    .... all of this is just mho, of course..... read the later john lecarre though, for more chilling details....

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  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 12:10 PM
    I don't think so... They skipped iPhone 2 and iPhone 3 and went right to "iPhone 4" because it was the 4th generation. Why wouldn't they call it iPhone 6 if it's the 6th generation?

    Because its Apple, and that is what they will do. Trust me, Ive seen the future

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  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 10, 03:35 PM
    I never got a SMS with my license info though :mad:

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  • matrix07
    Apr 16, 01:30 PM
    Miss by a mile, indeed. You can't read.

    A tablet is always without keyboard. What's that got anything to do with touch screen keyboard on phone, which always has keyboard before iPhone? If you said you have iPhone then yes I'll admit I can't read.
    Or I can rephrase it: "You are one of those idiots crawling at Engadget who saw Macworld 2007 keynote and think only one thing.. "AT&T? Yuck!!!" Cool?

    tattoo mariposas. TATTOO MARIPOSA. 5/31/10.
  • TATTOO MARIPOSA. 5/31/10.

  • tvachon
    Jan 8, 04:58 PM
    Could it be possible to get an RSS just for this page? So we can instantly know when it is up?

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  • sushi
    Oct 14, 08:36 AM
    Just noticed something at work (large retailer). The iPod case is unusually empty of iPod videos. We may have 15 total when the case usual has 50-100. The iPod Nanos on the other hand are completely stocked full. Usually this only happens when Apple is going to release a new version and stops sending the store product. I know it sounds weird because they just upgraded the 5G but it was a very insignificant update. Just thought I'd add that to the rumor mill.
    Most interesting.

    Gut feeling says that we will see something available for holiday purchases.

    Then again, with the recent updates, it causes me to think it will be later. The introduction of the Zune may push things up a bit.

    The most important thing to consider is that the video iPod is introduced when it is ready for prime time. Apple learned that lesson the hard way with the Newton. I don't believe they will repeat that mistake. The video iPod must work flawlessly to be a success.

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  • mandis
    Aug 7, 07:29 PM
    Woooohoooo! Now the 20" ACDs go for around �410.00 (with edu discount)!! ;)

    I'm buying two in September!! :D

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  • TonyC28
    Oct 11, 03:50 PM
    Pretty funny. One question though: obviously "there's a map for that" is a play-on-words for "there's an app for that." Isn't "there's an app for that" an Apple advertisement? Why take a shot at Apple with a similar phrase when Apple has nothing to do with AT&T's network? It's a clever line in the sense that it mocks another but it seems to miss the target.

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  • Eye4Desyn
    Mar 24, 03:17 PM
    ...and I haven't looked back. Started with 10.4 Tiger. Now on Snow Leopard and will definitely upgrade to Lion when available. Great OS and happy birthday OS X!


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  • stealthman1
    Nov 24, 09:12 AM
    20% off on the Shure E500PTH was too much to take. I bit.:D

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  • TATTOO Mariana

  • Clive At Five
    Oct 19, 05:14 PM
    but we have a 4th user, the MS diehard who is running the beta and RC stuff and keep trying to work up enthusiasm. and nobody cares.

    I hope you're not talking about me! I assure you I am no MS diehard. If anything, I'm the gamer/geek, but moreso the latter. I am a fan of technology... and while I wouldn't consider myself raving about Vista, I do recognize that it's a substantial piece of work. Just for reference, I was not impressed with 98, ME (HAH!), or XP, but I am mildly-so with Vista. Also for reference, I am WAAAAY more impressed with Mac OS X than I am with Vista. Maybe it's because I've come to expect pure crap out of MS but Vista is, instead, only a small turd. *shrugs* It's just a matter of perspective. ;)

    but as you point out, they WILL sell million of copies. all OEM. if they didn't have their OEM channel so locked down with anti-competative measures, they would have perished after that dog release of windows ME......

    I, personally, will buy a copy off the shelf... that is, after I buy myself a shiny new MacBookPro.


    P.S. Windows ME sucks. hehe. Idiots.

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  • someguy
    Sep 12, 07:23 AM
    Good catch, although it could mean nothing.
    If the iTunes Music Store is going to be called the iTunes Store (iTMS > iTS?) then shouldn't the name iTunes change as well to coincide with the change in available media? :o

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  • iW00t
    Jan 12, 01:09 AM
    That guy was an orphan who made himself into a billionaire with no help from anyone. Until you can do the same he has every reason to be smug.

    Even Bill Gates, for what it is worth, grew up in a nice sheltered family with rich parents.

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  • Scarlet Fever
    Jan 13, 05:12 PM
    so now if i need the widescreen ipod, but dont like the phone .. i dont have the choice .. either stand outside apple outlet and drool all day or go in and pay extra for the phone that comes with the ipod that i want.

    but the point is that Apple's lineup isn't going to stay the way it is forever. Within a couple of weeks or months, Apple will announce the widescreen iPod. Now that they have shown what you can do with a touchscreen, I reckon we should expect OS X and a dully-touchable display on the iPod.

    Just wait a little while; the 6th Gen iPod will be released :)

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  • iliketomac
    Nov 23, 05:41 PM
    Has this preliminary list been published somewhere, or is this secret inside information?

    I have it... just posted it above... there will be "red" signs everywhere in the retail stores tomorrow and specialists will be wearing red shirts...

    btw, MBP's are not on sale since it's not on the list... just MB's (from $1099 down to $998, etc.... up to $1499 which goes down to $1398)

    iMac's are on sale too.... see the posting above... I'm wondering about the Mini since it's not on that "Joy to the Wallet" sale list.

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  • OllyW
    Sep 28, 12:48 PM
    Now hopefully these pretty town bureaucrats approve this in short order and then get back to their usual important functions, like telling people what colors they can paint their mailboxes.

    It that an iPhone autospell or are they really good looking. :D

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 23, 01:19 AM
    So? How exactly will this affect you personally? Sounds like an imaginary demon. What exactly is your fear? Will some harm come to you?

    Why does it need to be encrypted? For what purpose?

    Ok. But for what purpose? To what end?

    What exactly do you think will be done with that information? Will you be tracked and abducted? What will be done with information that showed you were like 10km near your local Target outlet? Is this critical, private information about you?

    From what I can piece together (sometimes your grammar is shockingly bad), you're saying Apple is less up-front about collecting (*allegedly*) information that is otherwise harmless.

    And here I am thinking this was something actually worth worrying about.

    Targeted, personalized advertising. LOL. BIG FRIGGIN CONCERN!!

    I see that you truly are worshiping Apple there.
    You bashed Google Buzz on their stuff there but turn around and find this completely ok.

    There is another thread I sited a long list of examples of issues with it.
    But clearly you already have sold your soul to Apple.

    Patrick J
    Apr 15, 04:06 PM
    Which holes are those? All the holes in those pictures correspond correctly to the holes on my 3G.

    Bottom: Speaker, screw, dock, screw, microphone
    Side: Volume rocker, vibrate switch
    Back: Camera

    So you have a humongous hole on the side?

    Mar 13, 08:18 AM
    Tablets replacing servers? No way, no thank you.

    Now that would be...

    a massive paradigm-shift


    Mar 24, 06:20 PM
    I have been using Mac OS X since the first public beta. I still have screenshots around from the public beta, 10.0, 10.1, and 10.2.

    I feel like this one best exemplifies the time during which Mac OS X originated: the Matrix was incredibly popular, as was Quake III. But most popular of all were PC and Mac users trolling each other about which operating system was best, the so called MHz myth, etc. I was 14 years old when I took this screenshot, and oh boy was I an Apple evangelist reaching absurd proportions.

    Really I think most of us were still very worried that Apple would go under, and despite being "really cool", OS X had serious problems that wouldn't necessarily make you optimistic. It was slow. Window resizing was really painful, and 3D games tended to run much slower in OS X than in OS9. There was a dearth of software and even much of Apple's own software was not yet compatible.

    On the other hand it was really stable, right from the start. Running OS 9, the expectation was that it wasn't "if" your computer froze, but rather "when" it froze. Without protected memory (applications could corrupt eachother) and without pre-emptive multitasking (applications could go into infinite loops refusing to give back control to the OS) the operating system was just really unstable, and frankly it was getting archaic compared to Windows. OS X and its unix underpinnings with a modern pre-emptive multitasking scheduler and protected memory not only brought stability, but also finally allowed Apple's dual processor systems to actually take advantage of the 2nd processor without requiring special application support.

    Here's to you, Mac OS X!


    Apr 29, 04:05 PM
    Good to know that Apple is willing to change.

    The Expose/Spaces "slider" was one of the first things I noticed that seemed strange when I installed the preview.

    The slider makes sense when you have at least 3 icons but with only 2 it is not immediately apparent. I think we have been conditioned to take a darker button as being shadowed and therefore selected.

    And the scrollbars being always on seems to be a good decision as well. It is nice to know where you are in a document at a glance, and the scrollbar does that pretty well.

    Apr 16, 04:15 PM
    Positive role models for others. Perhaps attitudes towards the LGBT community will change when they see that some of the great contributors to civilization where also a part of that community. Up until the civil rights movement, most history classes were about dead white men (presumably straight). Now we have a much broader sense of history including minorities and aboriginal histories. This just fills things in a bit more.
    Your only role models should be the ones your personally know. Teaching "gay history" is more about promoting homosexuality than helping children.

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